Friday, October 3, 2008

Red, Glorious Red

Bill Blass said it best "When in doubt, wear red".  Mother Nature's got it goin' on!  Fall is here in the Northeast. Anybody that knows me, knows red (especially shoes) is my Achilles heel. Welcome, autumn.   

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Inspiration means perspiration

A big thank you to all of you that have been patient with me these past few weeks.   I know my website was down for a day or so.  Remember the secret workshop I told you about???  I have sooooo many voices in my head right now... I've been a busy little bee.  You're going to be seeing changes, changes, changes.  Look for convenience for you... my client, look for a new cool state of the art blog..... (I even heard websites are phasing out????)  who knew???  I'm even going to start selling my files, yes you heard it right!  We're in the digital world and the number one gift last year was the digital frame.  I want all of my clients to be able to display their precious images from Amy Mancini Photography in their new frames.  So lots of exciting things happening here.  Please stay tuned.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I went to THE BEST workshop this weekend.  I'm full of inspiration and new ideas.  Keep a look out for more images and great things to come.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Keeping in Shape

Two year olds..... on the days I shoot two year olds, I don't go to the gym.  Two year olds are the best work out anybody could get.  They run the session.  This beauty was no different.  Her sense of wonder and perpetual case of ants in the pants kept me on my toes.  BURBERRY... check out image number two... mmmm! Thank you Kenley, for being the lucky girl with curls

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Okay, if a parent's bragging turns you off.... STOP HERE!!!!!  

SHE MADE IT!!!!  My middle schooler made the middle school team.  Not only did she make the middle school team, but the night of try-outs the coach called our house and asked her if she'd like to be on the junior varsity team.  After, 15 minutes of high fives, hugs, and phone calls to all the grandmas and grandpas..... my innocent daughter looked at me and asked "Mommy, what is Junior Varsity?"  Out of the mouth of babes!