Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Broke

I was tuning in to the Oprah and Friends Channel on XM Radio a couple of weeks ago. (Yes, Oprah... don't laugh) I was listening to the Rodney and Holly Pete Show. (I was killing time in the car pool line, okay???) They were talking about how they call Spring Break, Spring Broke because it costs so much money $$ to go anywhere with your kids for Spring Break. I giggled knowing in 2 weeks we'd be packing our 5 bags to go see Grandma and Grandpa in Florida. (we'd also be squeezing in 3 days of a surprise Disney trip) now you get the Spring Broke part ;) Like the Master Card ad says... no matter how much $$ was spent on Spring Broke, it all is forgotten when you get an image like this... priceless.

These are my two little ones waiting in a 45 minute line for a ride at Disney. Look... they're not fighting... ahhhh.... priceless.

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